It is universally acknowledged that online shopping has numerous advantages and benefits. Convenience, better price, time saving, more varieties, no crowds… are all the reasons why we prefer shopping online. However, there do exist some potential risks that you may not be aware of.
No matter which device you use and which website you surf, phone numbers are disposable for online shopping. Have you ever thought about who would see our phone numbers and what would happen if after others got the numbers? Here are some typical cases.
When you sign up on Craigslist, Jabong, Snapdeal, Amazon… a phone number is need for verification. You have to add a phone number on the site to receive a verification code. When you receive a message with the verification code, you may also receive some spam texts at the same time. You may get endless advertising messages from time to time and wonder how can others get your phone number. Sign up with phone numbers on websites can be a reason for revealing. The owner of the website might share your privacy with others for commercial reasons; or the security of the website needs improving.
After you add some products to your cart, you need to leave your phone number for shipment. If the website was hacked, your phone number would fall into offenders’ hands. They can trace your private information like ID number, back account… Isn’t that shocking? Everything of what you have can be robbed without knowledge.
After the products you bought have been shipped, your phone number can be seen on the express waybill, which means anyone can get your number easily. Of course you will often receive unwanted calls from strangers. What’s worse, you may get cheated or blackmailed when others know your address and phone number.
Therefore, protecting your personal phone numbers can’t be delayed. Get a free second phone number on Telos to keep your personal number private. It is safe to use the number for online shopping. Others can’t trace your information through the number because they are not linked. Block any unknown numbers you will be free from endless spam calls and texts.
Get a FREE second phone number for iOS or Android!
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